‘Quality’ time…?

It has really hit home this weekend how important it is to stop, reflect, recharge the batteries and be kind to oneself. Even if it seems inwardly selfish. A sense of self-survival and self-nuturing is necessary. All too often we get caught up in life, in work, in school, in pressures…and all too often we forget to give ourselves the basics that will ensure we can keep aiming for quality.

Life has been busy for the last 3 months. Work has been busy. We haven’t forced blogs. We didn’t want to force ourselves into writing when we were tired. We didn’t want to ‘find something’ to write about – a ‘forced subject’. We didn’t want to take our focus away from the people we were working with to fit in time to ‘blog’. That would not have resonated with our souls.

We are currently doing lots of thinking about the world of ‘online’ connectivity. The potential 24/7. The potential of a tool for learning and connecting. The potential of it adding quality. The potential of it destroying quality. And striking that balance.

Quality is going to be the focus of the next few blogs. This blog begins with a recognition that we all need to give ourselves time to reflect and recharge our batteries in order to be able to aim for quality. We found a place to do that this weekend. And we valued it.

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Filed under Coaching, Creativity, Designing for Learning, Education, Formative Assessment, Quality Learning, Reflective Learning, Single Steps Learning, Values

2 responses to “‘Quality’ time…?

  1. I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately as well. I find that I dread opening my computer some days- that I stare at my e-mail thinking “Oy. 125 unread messages since yesterday? What could 125 people possibly need me to know in the last 12 hours?” I’ve diagnosed it as Internet Poisoning and the cure- as you described here- is to just step away from the interwebs for a while. I leave my phone in my brief case, shut down the computer, and go outside to throw the ball for my dog. In extreme cases, I need a paddle on a quiet pond or a trip to the beach. No matter what, though, it’s about connection to the people and places right in front of me (rather than those on the other end of the feed/stream/comments).

    • We completely agree with you – we began realising that as much as we loved technology and connectivity, it was actually stopping us from being ‘in the moment’ some of the time. Everything we did became uploaded in one form or another immediately…instead of taking the time to interact with the moment and the world/people right in front of us. A balance is the solution, we think. And a recognition that we (or I!!) had a tendency to become addicted to all forms of technology and communication! 🙂

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